A review by yapha
Poop Fountain!: The Qwikpick Papers by Tom Angleberger


Lyle, Marilla, and Dave hang out at the Qwikpick gas station and convenience store where Lyle's parents work. Realizing that they each have nothing to do on Christmas Day for a variety of reasons, they end up planning an adventure to visit the "poop fountain" at their town's waste treatment management center. Scheduled to be closing in order to be replaced with updated technology, they want to see it before it is gone for good. Told through photos, notes, and journal entries, this is a great adventure through the outskirts of suburbia. I am so glad that I couldn't smell what they were describing! Recommended for grades 3-6.

ARC provided by publisher.
This is a new version of the previously published 2007 edition.