A review by bookishlylori
Ballroom Blitz by Veronica Schanoes


We all wore boots, come to that, engineering boots or motorcycle boots or combat boots or Doc Martens, as though we had to be ready for a forced march. And we may have been under a curse, but I remember us always laughing.

A punk retelling of the twelve dancing princesses? sign me up. I really enjoyed this short story as I knew I would, In fact it's a new favorite for me personally. I don't know if everyone who reads this will find as much meaning with it and identify with it the way that I do, but after reading to it and listening to the so so glo's and reading the author's live journal post about it . . . it's safe to say i'm a little bit obsessed with it.

For the sake of this review, I will say that if you love fairytale retellings with a lot of grit and edge (and let's be real, fairytales are already pretty dark to begin with) but also don't mind a hopeful ending, this is for you.