A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
Fateful by Claudia Gray


I have to admit: I didn't read the blurb on the back very well. I saw that this book was written by Claudia Gray and read something about the Titanic and that was more than good enough for me to actually buy it. Claudia Gray writes those amazing easy reads that are just perfect to read in the bus or in the train. So, Claudia Gray writing a story set on the Titanic, what can possible go wrong?

And once again Gray delivers a captivating story with an amazing pace. She knows perfectly how to balance scenes filled with action and suspense with the more quiet scenes, used to build the characters and the circumstances. The story never gets boring, because there is a lot happening. But I never got the feeling that it all overwhelmed me and that I didn't get enough time to actually get to know our heroine and her lover.

Of course, this books leans heavily on insta-love. The characters meet the day before the Titanic leaves the harbour and it ends a few weeks after the Titanic hit its iceberg. But still Gray manages to sell us this love story, between a servant girl and an upper class boy, mainly by the deep conversations they have quite early on in the story, because they are forced to have them.

On top of that, Gray is brilliant when it comes to masking info dumps as actual realistic conversations characters would have. And even though that means she can't go into every detail of her mythology, it still gives us a good grasp of the rules of the supernatural society and the consequences. And, what I love most of all, it lays the foundation for the ending quite early on in the story.

Because even though we all know that at some point the Titanic will meet the iceberg, Gray still has a few nice surprises and touching scenes in store for us!