A review by tracyreads
Carnivorous Lunar Activities by Max Booth III


Review published on Sci Fi and Scary:

Gerald Bringsley: “Whereas I am a victim of your carnivorous lunar activities.” – An American Werewolf in London

“Nothing remained stagnant. Everything always sank if you gave it enough time.” – Max Booth III, Carnivorous Lunar Activities

Behold! I have read my very first werewolf novel. It’s a milestone of sorts, right? I’ve read a diverse array of horror fiction and non-fiction, but somehow missed this particular subject. Lots of werewolf movies, nary a wolfy book. And after this one, I crave more – ravenous for them you might say.

Booth captivated me as a reader from the first line – I won’t share it here, in fact besides the quote above, you’ll get no more direct quoting from me. This book needs to be a holistic experience for the reader. I like the prose in this book. It’s clean and lean; it says what needs to be said, and carries on. This is what the story demands – realism, a building sense of tension, and incredulity, interspersed with comedy that had me howling. Because sometimes realism means two old friends, one chained in a noxious basement, slamming Pabst Blue Ribbon.

Much of this is a convo between Ted and Justin, who have just come together again in a quite unsanitary location (again: yuck) because Justin needs Ted’s help. The reader is a fly on the wall (definitely flies on these walls) and what happens is some kind of moonlit magic. Think of your oldest or closest friend. They’re telling a story of something that has happened, but as happens often with those we have history with, sidebar conversations are inevitable. Booth masterfully reenacts what a conversation like this might be like. The comedic timing here is sharp and we can feel the relationship between Ted and Justin.

Oh wait…this is supposed to have werewolves. Boy, does it. One of my notes to myself when the action ramps up literally just says “holy hell!”. I love how the author handles the transformation and the ensuing carnage and break-neck paced action sequences. The last 100 pages or so flew by and I enjoyed every single moment.

Not only do I need more werewolf books, I need more Max Booth III books. This was hands down one of the best purchases I made this year – highly recommended if this sounds like something you’d be into.