A review by charlisbookbox
Welcome Back, Jack by Liam Sweeny


If you’re looking for a great mystery/thriller, Welcome Back, Jack is one of the books you need to find. Trust me. I read a lot of mysteries and thrillers and I know a good one when I find it.

Now, I could be biased—after all, there is a character that shares my last name—but I really loved this book. It was hard to put down. I mean, really hard to put down. I couldn’t seem to stop reading it! I just had to know what was going to happen next.

I’ve always loved mysteries where the killer makes it personal to whoever is investigating the case. In this case, Jack LeClere is the character who is being targeted by the killer. And believe me, this killer is sick and twisted in a way that I haven’t seen in a good mystery for quite a while.

Liam Sweeny has put together an interesting, entertaining, and edge-of-your-seat read with Welcome Back, Jack. His characters are masterpieces and his ideas of what kind of murder scenes to use are just awesome. I can’t really tell you about it or I’ll give something away, but I will say this—some of the murder scenes are just downright gruesome, I’m talking horror-novel-worthy gruesome.

**I received this book for free from Sage's Blog Tours in exchange for my honest opinion for this blog tour. No other compensation was received and all opinions are my own.**