A review by carolynaugustyn
Batman '66, Vol. 4 by Jeff Parker, Richard Case


Note: I received this book from the author/publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Upfront, I love campy media- and boy oh boy the Batman '66 TV show was the true definition of campy. I was so excited to read these comics since I do enjoy the show a lot. And I did love and appreciate the cheesy feel to these stories. Batman and Robin (complete with Holy (fill in the blank), Batman! lines) team up to fight all of the fun villains in Gotham (or at least I think they're the fun ones). Penguin and Joker show up but so does Bookworm and the Archer. Each story is a standalone story so it's easy to pick up and read each comic without having to have read previous volumes or even really know much about Batman. I really dug this collection and I've passed it on to my dad to enjoy as well, since he is the one that introduced me to Batman way back when. Very awesome stuff.