A review by rellimreads
A Gentleman Never Keeps Score: Seducing the Sedgwicks by Cat Sebastian


*I'm crying bc I wrote out a review and for some reason it didn't save. I'm trying to recreate it... but ugh!*

This is book 2 in Cat Sebastian's Seducing the Sedgwicks series. While this stands fairly well on its own - Hartley and a few relevant events are mentioned in book 1 (It Takes Two to Tumble), making these best enjoyed in order.

I loved this as much as the first but for completely different reasons. Set in the early 1800s, Sebastian explores a variety of difficult topics like racism, homophobia, and class systems. I just loved both Sam and Hartley as individual characters and as a couple. Hartley is struggling with having been "outed" then shunned by society for something he did when underage. Sam is well known and respected within the Black community, but is still targeted by general society and specifically a local inspector. An unlikely duo committed to righting some of the wrongs of Sir Humphrey Easterbrook.

I adored how Sam was able to uncover and soothe Hartley's various PTS responses to touch, affection, and general interactions. Hartley's love of his unconventional household staff was particularly heartwarming. Some drama and angst - but nothing needlessly protracted and it fit the story and characters well. These two were all. the. feels.

I'm excited for Will & Martin's book, Two Rogues Make a Right.

Joel Leslie is again perfection. Sebastian has so many unique characters and Leslie performs them with ease. Switching between genders, accents, and personalities seamlessly. It's so easy to get lost in the story with his narration - I'd never consider reading them to myself.

CW (spoilers):
Sexual abuse & exploitation (past), Hartley is dealing with PTS