A review by sbojo32
When the World Turned Upside Down by K. Ibura


If you are ready to read a book about COVID-19 with your middle schooler, When the World Turned Upside Down is a good one.

This book follows four kids (I think they are about fifth graders) who have their own set of issues but are thrown into a world of masks, Zoom school, wiping down groceries, and staying six feet apart. They all live in an apartment building and they all are just trying to get through.

One of the kids lives with her dad, who has to shift his business to start making masks. Another has crippling anxiety and a pandemic doesn't help. Another keeps a chart of how often his parents argue (it's a lot). And the fourth is trying to take care of her family while her mom won't leave bed because of depression. Oh and there's a pandemic.

This book talks about not just COVID, but race. George Floyd is mentioned and discussed at length, but at a level that is appropriate for a middle school student.

My only issue with this book is that it tried to tackle too much. So many issues are brought up and I think the overall message that kids can change the world just by helping and standing up for what's right gets lost. I also think it's too much for the elementary level.