A review by octavia_cade
Kane Chronicles (The Red Pyramid / The Throne of Fire) by Rick Riordan


I read and reviewed the two books collected here separately, so this is basically just for my own records. The Red Pyramid got three stars from me, and The Throne of Fire two and a half stars, rounding up, so the two together average out at three (again, rounding up).

It's sometimes odd with children's books. Some of them I read and know instantly that I would have loved them if I'd read them as a kid, and some I just can't tell. This is one of the latter. Maybe I'd have loved it as a kid, but my tastes have not changed that dramatically and I don't love it now, so I'm sceptical. Honestly, I rather feel like I should be more interested in this than I am, but the books are so long (too long) and they're too frenetic and the two child protagonists are so overpowered that there's no real sense of threat, here, at least not for me. Still, if they're not outstanding they're not awful either, and if they can instill an interest in mythology in their child-audience they'll have done something good, I reckon.