A review by meepelous
Love Me Nice (Volume #1) by Amanda Lafrenais


I picked this book up randomly at Toronto Comic Arts Festival. I really had my eye on her other series, Tittie Time, but my cash on hand was just a bit short! Love me nice is also a web comic but I am glad I picked it up in physical form as my track record with web comic is one of the few things worse than my track record with books I own.
I couldn't really find much obvious commentary on this work in particular or Lafrenais in general. She has done work for Adventure Time and Smut Peddlers. She's also done a lot of guest pages on other web comics and run some successful kickstarters. Lafraine is a self-taught artist and seems to be doing it full time, which is not easy, but impressive.
The premise of this book strangely enough mostly reminded me of Who Framed Roger Rabbit for the 21st century. The world of love me nice is populated by "humans" and "toons" and the main thrust of the volume follows Mac T Monkey Jr, kids TV star, and his manager/secret girlfriend Claire. This is a lightly mature character driven identity drama. And to be completely honest it has filled a hole in my heart that I didn't even know existed.
While the strong art will certainly not be up to everyone's taste, I do feel like it is objectively speaking good. Not only is it crisp, but her proportions are realistic and her figures consistent. Personally, the cuteness of the style is necessary to balance out the no nonsense attitude of the main character. In many ways, this series is extremely serious, but Lafrenais is taking on issues of sexuality and race sideways through her sensual style. Unsurprisingly I saw a quote from Sophie Campbell on the back, she is who I was reminded of the most.
I will certainly be digging into more of Lafrenais' work ASAP!