A review by lenoreo
Dark Expanse by Theresa Kay


Oh dear lord, how can such a short novella kill me this much?? And yet, it did.

This novella is told switching between glimpses of the past and the present. I can sometimes find these hard to follow, but Ms. Kay did a fantastic job of making it very clear what was going on in each section and when each section was. It was spaced out really well so that each glimpse into the past added to what was going on in the present. And such great characters -- loved Eva so much. Her nickname of Spitfire was perfect. And the trio of boys....oh man, from the first introduction, I was in love.

Yup, it had humour, action, romance, so many feels, and an epic ending. It's going to be excruciating to wait for the first novel in this series, but I will wait with baited breath. :)

I was given an early copy of this novella from the author, but it was so good I decided I needed my own copy complete with fabulous cover....