A review by journeyofbliss
Angels, Thieves, and Winemakers by Joseph Mills


I started reading the poetry of Joe Mills in the mountains of NC in front of a campfire with a great glass of wine. It was ‘Love and Other Collisions.’ I just loved it so much- it was the perfect book to enjoy on my family’s camping trip. It had been a long time since I’d loved a new volume of poetry, so I sent him a brief email just to say “this was a great book and I loved it.” He recommended “Angels, Thieves, and Winemakers” since I’d mentioned the part about enjoying his book with wine. So on Christmas Day, after a full day of building LEGO sets, I sat down with this book and a fine glass of Cabernet. I’d like to report that I loved this next book- even a little more than the first! In this book, wine becomes a metaphor for many facets of life. Mills truly is a master of his craft. I can barely wait for his next volume!