A review by motherhorror
Dr Herbert West & Astounding Tales of Medical Malpractice by Bruce Brown, Thomas Boatwright


This review is for the young at heart and horror fans who want to raise their children up with a healthy love and respect for the genre.
Young Dr. Herbert West (The Re-Animator) is a child that is so brilliant, he becomes the local doctor for the town in which he lives. His kid sister, Elizabeth notices that Herbert might have something diabolical going on in his lab concerning some of her brother's expired patients.
As it turns out, Dr. West has brought some townsfolk back to life and they are hungry...!!
...for Johnny Cakes!
Zaniness ensues.
Kids will love the cartoon-like artowrk and especially Elizabeth West and her little teddy as she tries to get her "mad scientist" sibling to undo the damage he has unleashed on their town.
Adults will enjoy the "eye-candy artwork" too. It had a strong, vibrant color scheme that is aesthetically pleasing and the characters are cute.
There might be questions from little kids about dead people and bringing them back to "life". There's one illustration with Dr. West using medical tools on a cartoony looking brain. Everything is so cutesy though-even the scenes where Dr. West, Elizabeth and a helpful adult friend are chasing the zombies and whapping them around, do not appear violent in any manner.
Plus, it's adorable that the zombies crave these yummy-looking pastries.
This is a fun read for adult horror fans to share with the children in their lives-either reading together or given as a gift, the gift of age-appropriate horror! It's an attractive, cheeky little graphic novel for Lovecraftian collectors, movie cinephiles and people who just love great artwork.