A review by nessas_lair
Even and Odd by Sarah Beth Durst


Thank you Netgalley for the eARC! First of all I like the dedication of this book lol. Another part of the book I really enjoyed was all the magical elements and world-building. I love how imaginative Firoth was and it made me want to have a secret magical gateway in my city, preferably in my backyard. I'm also happy that Even went through some character growth throughout the book because in the beginning and middle, I felt like she was a bit stuck-up and self-centered because she couldn't fathom that other beings might have different opinions about magic than herself. She ends up being more likable by the end of the story. Odd was a sweet character throughout and I loved her love for animals. Also speaking of animals, Jeremy was such a cute bumbling unicorn. I also thought the villain character was well done because they were very morally grey and were doing the evil thing because they thought it was the good thing to do. Overall this is a very imaginative book and has some great action bits that kids will definitely enjoy!