A review by ellejaoy
Straight James / Gay James by James Franco


I am ridiculously in love with James Franco's mind. I think he is a very intelligent and creative guy and I find anything that he does to be interesting. In saying that, it doesn't have to mean I like everything he does. My biggest issue with this book is that for some reason it's classed as a poetry book. It's not. While some of the works could be classed as poetic, it's more of a work of meandering, interesting thoughts from an artist. I felt its biggest weakness came when it felt like you were reading a promo for a movie and its biggest triumphs came when you saw part of Franco's character (whether that be his real or fake persona) or when it was just good writing and it didn't matter that Franco is also an actor or director.

Overall disappointing as a collection but still interesting reading it as a fan.