A review by gnostalgia
The Ancient Alien Question: A New Inquiry Into the Existence, Evidence, and Influence of Ancient Visitors by Philip Coppens


Coppens builds a case, for the use of advanced technology in the construction of ancient buildings, that is as solid as the pyramids that he writes about. I’ve enjoyed Coppens for some time and I was happy to receive this beautiful book.

At first glance, the art is outstanding. The cover art is fabulous. The graphics and photographs in the book are incredible. I really loved the color pictures in the middle of the book. Having said that, there is a lot more to this book than just eye-candy.

Coppens examines a variety of theories on multiple topics. He gives you the pros and cons of those theories and lets you decide. I enjoyed the debunking of some of the theories. I appreciate the large Bibliography, Notes, and Index. The real meat of the book would be the 289 pages, eight chapters, and a conclusion. All of which is kicked off with a foreword by Erich Von Daniken.

Excellent book! I highly recommend it. It’s a must-have for your home library.