A review by chloemills
[dis]connected, Volume 1: Poems & Stories of Connection and Otherwise by Michelle Halket


Wow, wow, wow this is an incredible connection. Going in I expected more poetry than short stories but in the end, I thought these were some of the best short stories I have ever read. There was a real sense of variety despite the connection they all share and the collection itself. 

This is a collection that tackles so many different issues from grief to family. Real life issues to fantastic fantasy. I truly believe there is something in this collection for everyone and being able to get a sneak peek of this was brilliant, I haven't stopped recommending people pre-order this and make sure that they get their own copy. I truly, truly fell in love with this. 

Some of my favourites were Nikita Gill's Parietal Eye, Cyrus Parker's Where The Sea Meets the Sky, Sara Bond's Terra Firma,  Yena Sharma Purmasir's Ultra and Amanda Lovelace's Small Yellow Cottage on the Shore. Each of these are so different and yet were perfectly chosen to fit next to each other. 

It might sound like a broken record but it is hard to convey just how beautiful these stories are. Unlike many other collections I have read, I could not put this down. Each story and author wrote such compelling tales I had to read the next one, and the next and the next. Some were incredibly creepy, inspired by Edgar Allen Poe, while others used Mythology and Mermaids. Each could individually capture something within me. 

I gave this collection 5 stars. I literally picked it up because I recognised two incredibly brilliant poets and ended up finding even more, that I would like to read further.  I really have to sing the praises because this completely knocked me for six and I didn't know much going in. 

Thank you so much to Netgalley and the publisher for this copy for review.