A review by spiderfly
I Am My Own Wife: The True Story of Charlotte von Mahlsdorf by Charlotte von Mahlsdorf


Her story was fascinating, but it was her style of writing that I really loved. I just liked her very matter-of-fact way of writing about things, common and uncommon, beautiful and horrific. It made the horrors of war and of human suffering real, but not so real that I was too traumatized to keep reading. And I'm very easily traumatized by those kinds of things.

Also, it was interesting to get a peek into the point of view of someone who legitimately enjoys the job of homemaking. I have absolutely no love for that work. I would 1000 times rather have someone else tend my house than to be the one doing the tending, the making. I think that homemaking is powerfully important for people's well-being and happiness, and yet the job of doing it appeal to me not one iota. It's often hard for me to believe that anyone ever really enjoys it, but there's no doubt in my mind that the author truly loves it, and that was very cool to see.