A review by booagnes
Batgirl at Super Hero High by Lisa Yee


The DC Super Hero Girls series has stolen my heart in a totally non-illegal way, so no need to send in the supers to save the day, I promise! Lisa Yee has once again created a wonderful addition to the series with Batgirl at Super Hero High. I think I have said this after every book so far, but this is my new favorite of this adventurous, high-power, super series!

The third installment start exactly where the second one ended, at the Hero of the Month assembly where Supergirl was just selected. Supergirl knows she couldn't have saved the day without the help of her best friend, though, so she calls to the newly-dubbed Batgirl (or Barbara Gordon, as you must remember from the first book) to share the glory. Due to her excellent help, and her out-of-this-world tech capabilities, Batgirl is invited to join the ranks at Super Hero High by Principal Waller. However, there is one person not excited to learn of Batgirl's invitation: her father, Commissioner Gordon. Barbara's father is very protective of his only child and he doesn't want to risk her safety by her joining the ranks of the teen superheroes. I feel for this father - and part-time Super Hero High teacher - but everyone knows that Barbara has what it takes to be a super.

Barbara Gordon as Batgirl is a true gem. She's smart, honest, brave, selfless, and a wonderful friend and daughter. She may not have any superpowers except for her genius mind and ingenuity, but she is a hard-worker and continuously comes out on top. It was great to see her friendship with Supergirl grow and to also get to see more friends added to the mix, such as Beast Boy (a personal favorite) and Cyborg. One of the things I liked most about this story was how her friends really rally around the newest Super Hero High student. She is at a disadvantage without powers, but her friends help train her and teach her how to work around that to become the best superhero she can be. I can't stress enough how touching it is to see teenagers so selfless with their time and talents to help another student!

I am about to make an admission that might not be terribly popular: Harley Quinn drives me nuts! We got to see her in the previous books before, but for some reason, I just couldn't stand her in this one. I think it is her rather selfish nature that just gets under my skin. She's loud, obnoxious, always shoving her camera in people's faces, and trying to up her online viewership, she doesn't care what it may be doing to her peers. Now I know who she becomes later in the DC universe, so it shouldn't be a surprise, but I still think she's quite the brat and I wouldn't mind seeing a little less of her. She has a fairly large roll in this installment due to a project she asks Batgirl to help her with. Batgirl, always the one to lend a helping techie hand, pulls out all the stops to help her and Harley takes all the credit. That is, until things start to go horribly wrong. Is this the end of our world as we know it? Has Batgirl turned into the newest villain? Is she being set up? Who could possibly save us all? Dun dun dun! Pick up a copy and find out for yourself. I'm not spoiling the fun!

Fun is exactly what you will find within the pages of Batgirl at Super Hero High. Fun, adventure, superpowers and awesome fighting skills, technological masterpieces, superhuman good grades, insecurities, finding yourself, familial acceptance, an adorable baby bat, and the best friends a girl could ask for are all waiting for you inside this great story. I can't wait to see what is in store for everyone in the next book (due July 4th), Katana at Super Hero High!

If you have yet to jump into the world of the DC Super Hero Girls, check out my review for Wonder Woman at Super Hero High (book 1) and my review for Supergirl at Super Hero High (book 2) and get started on these super adventures today!

**A finished copy was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Review was originally posted on my blog, She Dreams in Fiction.**