A review by emilyanne3000
Blonde Ops by Natalie Zaman, Charlotte Bennardo


Models. Hackers. Plots. And Rome.

Need I say more?

Blonde Ops is a fluffy adventure ideal for fans of Ally Carter and Robin Benway. The characters are fun and entertaining, the plot is exciting although a tad predictable, and the setting is awesome!

The main character, Bec, is a hacker just kicked out of a boarding school for the umpteenth time. I absolutely loved reading from her POV! She is smart, quirky, and... how can I phrase this?... very meddlesome. Additionally, Bec was refreshingly enthusiastic about Rome, food, and of course, the cute Italian delivery guy!

Once Bec was shipped of to EDGE, under the custody of EDGE's editor, Parker. However, soon after arriving, things start going awry and Bec must use al her skills to find out a scheme involving the first lady! While I predicted the "bad guys", i still immensely enjoyed the mystery/adventure aspect of Blond Ops!

I've been to Italy before. The place is so amazing. I loved visiting there again while reading Blonde Ops! Also, I enjoyed the setting of Edge. There were a lot of quirky models, photographers, assistants etc. Also, I think I lot of YA books portray people who enjoy fashion in a bad way, so I enjoyed how the authors didn't shame anyone into fashion. I also enjoyed the light-hearted portrayal of the drama of the magazine. I especially like Sophie, Candace, and Kevin.

Overall, the two authors of Blonde Ops have written a delightful, unputdownable story! I've been wondering if they will write a sequel as the ending wrapped enough up while still leaving the story open for a next installment. A girl can hope!

4/5 Stars

*I received this book for free from FirstReads in exchange for an honest review*