A review by sandeeisreading
The Wrong Side of Right by Jenn Marie Thorne



“It’s amazing how much one person can change the world, even if they don’t know they’re doing it.”

This book… gave me the feels.


And I freakin' loved it.
This book at first seemed so familiar with any YA Contemporary book, but after reading it, you realize how different it was. There was so much this book offered than the romance. Thank goodness!


I hate it when contemporary books pretend to be anything other than what they really are. It pretends to be some deep story about hopelessness, depression, and pain. But when you read it. There was none of that in there. It's either none, or there is a little bit of it, but they just feed you a little bit of it and the solely focus on the romance because that's what we all want right? Noooo. A big fat no!


I am so happy that this book is nothing like those pretentious books. Read the synopsis and that is what you are going to get. And more. Don't be fooled by the colorful book cover. This isn't just some fluffy YA romance book. It's something more. And it's one of the things I love about it. 

Today would not be like yesterday. Today, I would be prepared.


But of course, she wasn't prepared when she found out who her dad was.


But let me start from the beginning. So, the story followed a girl name Kate who grew up without a father. Her mother never told her who he was and she never really given it much thought either. She passed away and was staying with her aunt and uncle, who were great by the way. Then one day, a day that she thought would be like any other, she finds out that she has a father. His name is Mark Copper, possibly the next President of the United States of America.

My father. I have a father. Maybe. Probably. Oh my God.


And just like that, Kate's life changed.  She now not only have a father, but also a stepmother named Meg (or Margaret) and two siblings (Gracie and Gabe who I both love).

Suddenly the world had cracked open and everything was possible. 




  • KATE


I loved Kate! She is such a great and refreshing character. I liked how she was so level-headed the entire time. I'm so sick and tired of main protagonists overreacting over stuff over and over again on YA books (also on NA books sometimes). Of course, being 16 (I think) she still had her immature moments. Moments where she doesn't think things through and it was fine. I get it. But there were more maturity in her character which makes her a good role model for younger readers.


Also, another thing I liked was how easy it was to relate to Kate and to root for her. The author made you care about her and I think it's a very important thing for a main protagonist for a Contemporary book to have.




I liked how the authors didn't make the Coopers the villain in this story. Basically, there wasn't any main antagonist in the story, aside from maybe the situation that they are currently in. It was so easy to just make them all the bad guys. But the author didn't choose the cliched route so I was happy.


Let me start with Meg. I loved Meg! She wasn't the evil stepmother that usually lurks around YA books. Horraaay! She was so understanding and loving and is overall a decent human being. Of all the people in this book, I feel that she is the person most affected and hurt about this entire situation. But she, being the strong woman that she is, took the situation with grace and understanding. Meg did not throw a tantrum. She did not start a war with her husband. I can't express how much love I have for this woman. YA books need to have more parents like Meg.


Gabe and Gracie are Kate's half siblings. And they're the cutest, especially Gabe.


With Mark Cooper (the dad), I was a bit more dubious. I wasn't exactly sure what I was feeling about him. You really don't get to know what was important to him, and I liked that. His intentions were clouded throughout the book but becomes apparent towards the end. I didn't really expect that that was how it was going to end for him, but I really ended up liking it.


  • IT'S NOT ALL ABOUT ROMANCE!! Horraaayyy!


Yes! You heard that right. This book did not focus too much on the romance!


This is one of the things that really made me happy about this book.


For those of you who detest insta-love like me, you would really like the romance aspect in this book. Because… it is almost close to none. It focused more on the friendship aspect more than anything. It was so refreshing to read about a YA contemporary book that deals with the romance part realistically.




In this book you would see the different types of families and how important family is to each and every one of the characters.


Would you choose family over your own views in life? Would you disregard a family member just because of your own personal goals? Would you do something your parents won't approve because you think it's right?


These are just some of the questions that this book dealt with.




I think I mentioned early on how sometimes, books tend to be pretentious. How a book is marketed as something, like a horror book, but tend to be completely different after reading it. This book did not do that. You know that this book sort of has politics in it. Kate's father is a Republican Senator running for President. But those are just not in words. The author showed you what it's like being a candidate for these things and how it affects the person running for the position and their family. She shows you what kind of pressure the family of these candidates must be going through and I loved that.  I'm not going to say that I'm an expert with American Politics, but it made me believe that whatever I was reading is possible. So kudos to Ms. Thorne for that!




The story was not entirely just about Kate and her struggle. It was about everyone in the story. Everyone had their own part in the story. No character was just there to fill in the space.  It wasn't only Kate that matured throughout this book, but also her Dad.




The author's writing is so good. I cannot stop reading. I literally couldn't stop. It has been a while since I was this invested in a YA Contemporary. I usually just steer clear of them because... they just don't click with me. But this one... was so spot on on all levels! It hit all the right notes for me. And I want more!




Anyone who would tell me that this cover is ugly... I would recommend to visit an Optometrist to get their eyes checked.






I'm not going to spoil you guys on who this guy is. But... I just didn't feel him. Of all the characters in this book, he was the one I did not really get or care about. He had his issues that I don't think were really solved. I dunno... I just don't feel him.




I have to agree with my friend Cam, this book started out pretty rocky. The beginning happened so fast that it wouldn't even give you time to breath. It sort of throws everything out there in a chapter. It was so hurried it doesn't give the reader enough time to absorbed what just happened to Kate.




The issue that I had with the ending is the same as the beginning. It was so hurried. It tried to cram everything in a chapter just to end it. That's how it felt like to me. I wish there was more time for all the information to sink in. I'm not angry at the ending. It was an okay ending. It was just soo fast.




All in all, this book was a great read!


I read it in a few days which was surprising. Haha.


I would highly recommend this book to anyone who is in need of a contemporary book then I would highly recommend this. The situation may look farfetched, but believe me, this book read like it really happened to someone and wrote a memoir about it.

I walked out of the safe zone into the roaming spotlight and felt it catch me and stick, hot and blinding, vaguely registered the Jumbotron broadcasting my giant face, remembered late to smile and wave, and thought, of all things, of Andy Lawrence, what he said on the phone last week.


"I'm on."


