A review by han_reardonsmith
Why Indigenous Literatures Matter by Daniel Heath Justice


This incredible book goes well beyond a celebration of Indigenous literatures, exploring the role of story in whatever world and community we live in, and the vital importance of moving from "stories that harm" (like pretty much all the dominant narratives about Indigeneity under colonial-settler regimes) and towards "stories that heal," told in the voices of Indigenous writers. Often this healing is not to do with easefulness or escapism, but rather with truth-telling, honesty, relationality, situatedness, queerness, and Survivance (Vizenor).

Highly recommended in both written and audiobook forms. The appendix/notes also contain invaluable resources for any keen readers of literature and scholars of all kinds (especially for those, like myself, who are non-Indigenous settlers thinking-with what it means to live and work on Stolen Land). Daniel Heath Justice is a beautiful writer, scholar, and speaker - a special treat to hear it in the author's own voice.