A review by katetj
Haunting Violet by Alyxandra Harvey


More reviews can be found at my blog Nomalicious Reads

As soon as I heard about Haunting Violet I jumped to pre-order it, I have a massive obsession for any book with ghosts, and especially try to get my hands on any YA novel that has them mentioned in the synopsis.

My first trial was deciding if I should pre-order the hardcover or the paperback, I know most people wouldn't take pause and instantly order the hardcover, but I have a thing for paperbacks, and as soon as I saw the cover of the paperback, I had to get it, yes I thought the hardcover was equally stunning, but I couldn't resist.

So after I solved that dilemma, I read a few reviews and found out that not only did Haunting Violet have ghosts, but it also was set in England in the late 1800's, which is a favourite time period for me, so I was beyond excited.

I can't describe the joy of finding it in my mailbox earlier than I was expecting it (yesterday), and it didn't take me long to dive straight into the wonderful world that Alyxandra Harvey had created.

Violet Willoughby is no wilting flower, she has a lot to deal with; her mothers lies and outrageous personality, romantic interests, the rules of society, suddenly being able to see ghosts and a murderer on the loose who doesn't like the questions that she is asking.

Haunting Violet is a thrilling read, you get sucked right in to the mystery with Violet wondering who on earth did it, Harvey did a great job because honestly I came no where near close to guessing who was the killer, and that's one of the things I'm good at! (shame that I can't put it on a resume!)

The romance meshed well with the plot and didn't overwhelm it in the slightest.

I fell in love with Colin and just wanted to punch Xavier in the face every time he called Violet beautiful, I think she got it the first one hundred times you said it pal!

At the ending, the first thing I said was 'Aww' with a big smile on my face and had to stop myself from turning back to the start and reading it from the beginning all over again.

Haunting Violet will be found in my favourites pile and I'm hoping very much for a sequel, because even though the loose ends were tied off nicely it still has that potiential opening for a sequel

Now I'm off to go stalk Alyxandra Harvey's site for more info. (After some stalking I came across Alyxandra's twitter where she posted this: For those asking: Haunting Violet is a standalone. But I wrote a sequel bc I couldn't help myself ;) (but it's uncontracted so no promises.) You can find her twitter here.)

So it looks like I'll be waiting! Many people already love Haunting Violet, so I'm hoping that it wont be too long until the sequel in approved. :D