A review by lilith_elinor
No Strings by Cara Lockwood


I am liking these books by Cara Lockwood, her writing is solid and compelling and the storyline catches my interest. I feel like she is really able to invoke emotions in me as a reader, and not every book can do that for me, so straight away she gains points for that.

I liked how phones and the internet are fully integrated in the story. It's not always the case in contemps since technology changes the dynamics so much, so when I see a story that does tackle these added elements I appreciate it because it feels truer to our modern life. I also appreciated that the negatives of dating apps weren't glossed over either.

The situation is intriguing and Lockwood doesn't waste it, she uses it to set up some hot scenes. There is also surprisingly layered characterisation and accurate insights into relationships. The story revolves around themes of cheating, getting bored in a relationship, fear of commitment (genuine fear, not the cliché "I don't want any attachments I'm an alpha male who doesn't want to bother with emotions" kind)... A few sentences felt unexpected in a romance novel and really resonated with me. Well done Cara Lockwood.

Another thing I appreciated so much was that when X does a creepy, stalkery thing that is an abuse of power, it's not excused or swept under the rug the way douchey alpha behaviour often is. It's treated as a breach of boundaries very clearly on the page, called by the proper name for it, and addressed clearly as a violation. I was cheering! So far I am really appreciating how this line is maintaining clear standards for appropriate behaviour by men. I can appreciate heroes so much more when they are considerate people at heart who respect their heroines, even if they mess up sometimes.

Now of course this is a category romance, so it's very short. By necessity the story must progress at lightning speed and the characters reach commitment at a very unnatural speed. Lockwood handles this petty well, the emotional progression felt as progressive as it could in the page count. I have no complaints about that as I am volontarily seeking out shorter stories so I am well aware they will be more rushed. I'm just saying, some level of suspension of disbelief is definitely necessary to accept that these two will commit to each other within a few days, when there are big psychological obstacles that in real life would take longer to work through. However by the end I could really picture these two being happy together, once they have their shit together they are very well suited.

I am a feminist, so I was white-knuckling it in the beginning with the descriptions of Emma as a feminist. It was a little clumsy, but thankfully avoided anything offensive so I heaved a great sigh of relief. It didn't come up again in the story afterwards, so overall, I think it got off well. Whew, I was worried there for a minute!

Another little detail is that Lockwood likes to describe her characters kissing as their tongues meeting in a primal dance as old as time. Now I'm perfectly ok reading that once, but when it's repeated several times in the story, it's such a specific, slightly corny phrase that it becomes distracting.

Anyway, I enjoyed this book, it was a fast read but not devoid of emotional depth! It was satisfying with a sweet ending. I will definitely seek out her other Dare books.