A review by _b_a_l_
Some of the Best from Tor.com, 2014 Edition by Ellen Datlow


Fantastic anthology - which was also free for download because Tor is awesome.

The hauntingly bleak "The End of Everything" by Dale Bailey
The strangely sweet "Mrs. Sorensen and the Sasquatch" by Kelly Barnhill
"A Kiss with Teeth" by Max Gladstone because there *are* still vampire stories that need to be told
Urban fantasy at its best "Cold Wind" by Nicola Griffith
"Midway Relics and Dying Breeds" by Seanan McGuire for a retro futuristic travelling circus"
"The Mothers of Voorhisville" by Mary Rickert - one of those strange stories that doesn't seem to resolve at all but sticks with you
And the beautifully written "In the Sight of Akresa" by Ray Wood

*All* of them are pretty good though.