A review by shannonxo
A Christmas Courting by Jen Geigle Johnson, Chalon Linton, Heidi Kimball, Jennifer Moore


I don't have the best of luck with novella collections. They always start with a phenomenal 5 star story, then it gets worse and worse until you're clawing through to the end. Like Saturday Night Live skits, if you know what I mean. I am pleased as punch to say this was not the case. This was an all-around solid collection of heart-warming Christmas regency romances.

Love and Joy Come to You ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I really, really liked this one. A typical regency romance where they meet, he likes the way she walks or something weird, and they're getting married within a week. I saw it all coming from a mile away and still adored every second. This one was dual POV and it was well done.

A Christmas Courting ⭐️⭐️⭐️ .5
My least favourite story, I think. It was one of those where you just want to shake the girl until her head rattles because it's so unbelievably obvious what is going down. I also struggled with the name Keturah for the main character. It is a biblical name, but it does not evoke the right image for this woman.

Mistletoe Memories ⭐️⭐️⭐️ .5
While I did enjoy the way this one unfolded, I did struggle a little bit with really rooting for the couple. He says he loves her so much, she's the only girl for him, but then some half-backed story reaches him of her fall from grace and, "Welp, guess that's it, Alice. See you never." Until, wait, it was all a misunderstanding because none of us talked.

Second-Chance Christmas ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
My favourite hands down. It's the kind of story I wish was drawn out into a full book. I very much adore the trope of best friends for over a decade before someone reveals their feelings and things get awkward until the other one figures themselves out. When it's done well, of course, and this absolutely was. The characters felt the most real in this one too, with proper chemistry.

Also, sidenote, I feel like it should be a drinking game where you take a shot every time Yule log, wassail and hessians were mentioned. Then you'll really be in the holiday spirit. 

Overall, I grant this collection of Christmas festivity  out of five stars! And good lord am I ready for it to be December.