A review by gremlin_snacks
Crossing by Andrew Xia Fukuda


i was sort of torn about this book. i thought the writing was a little awkward. i have a decent vocabulary, but even i found myself looking up a few words. it seemed the entire book was peppered with some five-dollar words that were just thrown in for no reason. they didn't fit with the way the rest of the book was written. at one point i wondered if the book had been translated. the reason i give it four stars is because i didn't want to put it down because i wanted to know how it would end. i like books that pull you in immediately and don't let go.

as for the whole i'm chinese therefore everyone automatically hates me thing, as much as i understand what it's like to not be white and face racists and assholes, i really think in any situation you can't punish people as a whole. it really seemed that the narrator was just intent on thinking his life would never get better and i really think the route he took at the end was pretty idiotic because he just dug himself into a deeper hole.

even with the awkward word choices, i still think the writer is decent and will only improve down the line.