A review by haleyelisereads
Now and Forever - Weil ich dich liebe by Gennifer Albin, Geneva Lee


Don't you just love when you sit down to read a book...and then before you know it you have finished the whole book in one sitting and didn't even get up once? I know I sure do! That's exactly what happened to me with Catching Liam! I sat down to read just a little bit...then before I knew it I had completely devoured the whole book and totally loved it.

Okay so lets just jump right into my favorite part of Catching Liam..and that was easily, well Liam! He was so insanely swoon worthy, now I know what you're thinking "Well ya...but EVERY guy in NA is swoon worthy! What's so special about Liam?" Welllll let me tell you! First Liam is a flat out gentleman! Which may I mention is seen in NA, BUT most of the time NA steers more towards that 'player' type guys that are 'bad' boys that need help. Not in Liam's case! He is a complete gentleman, knows proper manners, and treats woman with respect (can I get a hallelujah?!). Did I mention he is from Scotland? Yeahh so he has a nice accent, that I think all you woman/men will love. OH and did I mention that he makes waffles and cooks for Jillian? Oh oh, and don't forget how he calls Jillian hen (such a cute name, apparently it's the equivalent to calling someone baby in Scotland). Also he is quite funny too. The list just goes on and on! Just trust me on this one...anyone that loves romance is going to love Liam!

Moving on from Liam I also really enjoyed Jillian, I felt the reason she was sleeping around and didn't want to commit was very justifiable. When I was first reading Catching Liam I thought maybe Jillian had a bad ex boyfriend that beat her or was super controlling or something and that was why she slept around and didn't want to commit (that's what USUALLY is the case in these types of situations in books), but it was something completely different, and I have to say I am quite curious as to where the author got the idea to have it play out that way. Besides the point I really loved Jillian and really felt for her, I hated what she was going through, and at the end of the novel I really felt myself caring for Jillian as a character. While I did like Liam (alot) Jillian is the character that really made you feel something.

Onto the writing, and man oh man, does Sophia know how to write. This book (like I stated in the beginning) I read in one sitting...seriously guys I didn't even realize I had read the whole book. I devoured Catching Liam. This book had great dialogue between the characters that flowed nicely and was realistic at that, while also having amazing inner dialogue. The overall book just flowed so perfectly. I know I talk about flow alot in my reviews, but seriously having good flow in a book is so important to me while reading, if a book is patchy, confusing, jumping all over the place or just plain messy, I for one def won't be able to read it in one sitting, and for two I probably won't even enjoy the book. Catching Liam though I easily flew through, and never even paused. Sophia's writing was amazing, and I am officially a fan for life after reading Catching Liam. I will most likely be purchasing and reading everything she writes in the future. This is an author any NA fan, or contemporary romance fan should check out.

Overall, if you are someone who loves the NA contemporary romance genre, then this is a novel you cannot miss out on. I highly recommend it and hope anyone that reads this will fall in love with it as much as I have!