A review by ollie_lee
The Best Bizarro Fiction of the Decade by Cameron Pierce


I have read a handful of Bizarro fiction stories over the last few years and I absolutely love the genera.
There are some very talented writers in this book and I can hardly wait to get my hands on some more of these stories. (I just ordered three more books!)
My favorite stories in this, just to name a few, are:
"Candy-Coated" and "Ear Cat" by Carlton Mellick III. Every thing I have read by this guy has been gold!
"Crazy Shitting Planet" by Mykle Hansen.
"The Sharp-Dressed Man at the End of the Line" by Jeremy Robert Johnson.
And of course there are two stories by one of my all time favorite authors (in and out of the bizarro genera) Joe R. Lansdale. He wrote "Fire Dog" and "Mr. Bear." If you read the later one you will never again be able to look at a certain fire fighting bear icon the same ever again.