A review by lckrgr
Green Lantern/Green Arrow: The Collection by Denny O'Neil


This was my first foray into the world of Green Lantern, and my first introduction to classic non-Arrowverse Green Arrow, and it was well worth it. While the storylines are clearly of the time (not much nuance to the discussion, which I wouldn't really expect in a superhero comic anyway) they are still quite relevant. I really struggled with Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern character as he is so annoyingly driven by law and justice. And yes, I get that the whole point of this comic was to counterbalance GL's rigidity with GA's more liberal/chaotic views, but that doesn't make him the Hal Jordan of these comics any less of a goody-two-shoes.

I enjoyed the breadth of the stories, everything from environmentalism to cults, but will admit to liking the later stories, the more internal emotion-driven stories, more. I also loved the sass in these comics, GA's and Black Canary's quips were fun.