A review by xterminal
Angel in the Waters by Ben Hatke, Regina Doman


Regina Doman, Angel in the Waters (Sophia Institute Press, 2004)

I'm slow on the uptake sometimes (and all too used to “angel” bring used in a generic sense), so when we picked this up at the ultrasound place (amazing what you can buy at an ultrasound place these days!), I wasn't fully aware of the book's overtly religious bent. If that's a problem for you, stop right here, this may not be the book for you. Despite my distaste for that angle of it, I thought it did a really good job at broaching a number of potentially discomfiting/embarrassing topics kids have a tendency to ask about long before parents are ready to address them (death, “where do I come from?”, etc. If only the author had found a way to explain taxes to children...). Would love to see something like this from a non-religious perspective, but until we get something like that on this level of both storytelling and illustration, Angel in the Waters will do fine. ***