A review by frasersimons
The Lonely Dark by Ren Warom


Great concept, i for the most part, really liked the prose and style. I’m not a big horror reader but I identified strongly with the theme and what the loss of agency was about, specifically.

Strangely, even though it was first person I felt detached from the characters and didn’t get invested but I tend to be more interested in theme, symbolism, structure, etc., anyway.

It’s short and punchy and, from what I know, original. I was full of trepidation because I don’t like horror usually but it, as you can see, exceeded my expectations. I came to the author by way of her cyberpunk duology, which are both great too. If you dig this, I recommend diving into those for more of her writing~~

And oh snap! This turns out to be the very first book I added to my TBR on goodreads! Oddly satisfying crushing this one, despite the fact that it’s just 1 down out of 500+, but it’s neat?