A review by angryphoenix
Keetsahnak: Our Missing and Murdered Indigenous Sisters by Maria Campbell, Kim Anderson, Christi Belcourt


This is an excellent collection of voices, experiences, and thoughts, and it was put together as a companion text to the Walking With Our Sisters (WWOS) commemorative art installation of 1725 moccasin vamps. Much like how the vamps are unfinished parts of a moccasin, they represent the thousands of unfinished lives of the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG).

As a member of the white settler community, I acknowledge my identity, my status, my privileges as a white woman. I am a researcher and have been working with a professor for the last 2.5 years on a database that has compiled many grassroots initiatives for MMIWG, including artwork, searches, vigils, memorials, dances, ceremonies, and awareness projects. I have been amazed at the work that so many people have done. To say that I admire them is a true understatement.

If you have no knowledge, some knowledge, or much knowledge on MMIWG, you will benefit from reading this book. Whether you read it cover to cover, read some parts and leave others, or skip around to read different chapters, this is a tremendous book that will make you realize that no matter how much you think you know - you don't know nearly as much as you thought you did. Everyone can learn from this book.