A review by charkar
Marvel's Thor - The Dark World Prelude by Craig Kyle


Going into this, I don't really know what I expected. I didn't really expect it to retell the Thor film, or include an out of place issue of Thor: God of Thunder. Luckily, I'd read the first three volumes of God of Thunder before this, so I understood what was happening, but I didn't really understand why it was included in this novel. I get that this is a prequel to The Dark World and Malekith is the villain of that film, but I just feel like you need to read the first 12 issues of God of Thunder before you're able to fully appreciate and understand the next arc of it.

But I digress. Overall, I enjoyed the artwork, and I especially enjoyed the colours. Drawing style is a big part of whether I enjoy graphic novels or not and I'm very glad it was good, as if it wasn't I feel like I would have rated this lower as I already know the basic plot line from the film. In some parts, I liked how lines were taken directly from the film, but in others I was left wishing for a bit more. It would have been nice if the cinematic universe had been expanded on in this volume.

I did enjoy the actual prelude to The Dark World but I feel like the inclusion of retelling the film dragged it down a bit. I guess it was mostly included to pad the volume out, as it is very short. I'd say fans of the film who are new to comics would enjoy this most.