A review by blodeuedd
Blood Will Follow by Snorri Kristjansson


I do love when the second book is better than the first. Now what made it so? I am always so bad with that, cos honestly it was everything that helped. It seemed to flow better, better written, better story, hey the book was better. And since book 1 was already good, the better :) I am way to used too a series going downwards instead.

Right so the big bad happened, Ulfar and Audun are now immortal. That is something I like about this book. Yes there is magic, yes the Gods walk the earth. And it feels real. Because then Christianity came and swept away all that. But now it feels like the olden days sure were deadly and magical.

The story is a sort of road trip. Ulfar goes back to Sweden and wonders about why he can't die, why did the evil woman curse them? While Audun tries to flee to the south. But men like them can't run away. Something, someone is after them.

While in Norway that bastard Valgard is all cozy with King Olav (arghhh Valgard!). Valgard is also after the power of old. So I am sensing a big showdown maybe in the next book, or not.

Great story. These two men meeting strangers and trying to find themselves and what they will do next. And darkness gathering in Norway. So hard you know, cos Valgard is bad and should not get any power. But then I do not like King Olav either cos you do not force people to find faith.

A less bloody book than book 1 as that one was all anticipation before the siege of Stenvik. Here we get more of everything else. An interesting book that I could not put down. And I do wonder where their journey will take them next.