A review by trike
Analog: A Cyber-Dystopian Noir Volume 1: Death by Algorithm by Gerry Duggan


This has an interesting premise: the internet is brought low when everyone’s secrets are spilled to everyone else and sensitive information must be transported the old-fashioned way, with couriers. Some of them deal in secrets people will kill for, which brings us to the flavor of the story, a flavor that is decidedly in the hardboiked/film noir wheelhouse.

Unfortunately, we don’t get a complete story here, and some of the artwork is downright weird. There’s one two-page spread late in the book where the main character sees his sometime partner and part-time lover on the street and the panels seem randomly jumbled. At first I thought he was imagining the scene, then I thought I was reading it out of order, then I went back to thinking it was a dream sequence, but now I have no idea. I hate that sort of vagueness.

So it’s interesting but kind of a mess and incomplete, therefore 3 stars. When the next volume comes out I’ll borrow it rather than buy it.