A review by nazeerah
In Her Bones by Kate Moretti


I received a digital ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Kate Moretti is one of my favourite authors so I was thrilled to be approved for this title.

This book was different to your usual thriller in that it did not actually involve the crimes of a serial killer but rather focused on the daughter of the serial killer and how the crimes of the mother has affected her daughter. The daughter then becomes implicated in a murder and it's all twists and turns from there until we reach the conclusion of the book.

It took me a while to get into the book but once I was into it, I couldn't put it down. There were many twists and turns which kept me on the edge of my seat. What I like about Kate Moretti's books is that even though it's a psychological thriller, she writes with such sensitivity that one becomes attached to the characters in the books and I really become vested in seeing that they reach a happy conclusion.

I recommend this book for all those looking for a great psychological thriller.