A review by irodori
Firebirds: An Anthology of Original Fantasy and Science Fiction by Lloyd Alexander, Nancy Farmer

Firebirds is, as the full title indicates, an anthology. Meaning, it is not a novel, but a book with many short stories.
There are 16 short stories, well, actually it is more like 15 short stories and a short comic. Each one is by a different author.
Despite the title, none of the stories have anything to do with firebirds. The title comes from the Firebird imprint. This book was made to celebrate the creation of the Firebird imprint.
There are also the books "Firebirds Rising" and "Firebirds Soaring" that are out as well. The three books are all part of the same anthology series, but otherwise have no connection.

I think the short stories are more aimed at teens, especially since the editor talks about providing enjoyable fantasy and science fiction stories for teens in her introduction.

It would be difficult to really go into complete detail of the contents since each story is different. Also, since they are short stories, it can be a bit difficult to say too much without giving too much away.
I think my favorite would have to be "Mariposa".
The story starts off with Aimee getting a diagnosis from a Warlock Doctor AKA Warlocter. She is told that she has lost her soul, which is apparently a common thing.

This was the second time I read stories in this book and I read some stories that I had skipped last time. But I still find Mariposa to be my favorite. A couple of other favorites of mine are "Beauty" and "Fall of Ys". Though "Baby in the Night Deposit Box" and "Little Dot" were entertaining as well.