A review by bookph1le
Dread Nation by Justina Ireland


Now this, this is a book to get excited about. That's especially significant for me, since I have very low tolerance for YA these days after being a devoted YA reader for some years. I just got to a point where I was burned one too many times by trite, derivative junk that was pushed out solely to jump on the latest hot trend. I have no idea if zombie YA is on trend right now, but even if it is, I was thrilled to read a book that doesn't feel like so much badly done YA drivel.

This book has things to say, important things. Even though it's set in an alternative US in which zombies rose during the Civil War, putting an abrupt end to that particular conflict without resolving *any* of the issues surrounding it, this book has a TON of relevance to the real, current America, and I know that's no accident. This book is smartly written and it makes many, many hard-hitting points about race relations in the US, about how people of color are mistreated, and about how blind most white people are to their privilege.

Plus, it has one of the most spirited, wonderful female characters I've read in some time. Jane is by no means perfect, which is what makes her a perfect character. She has rough edges, does bad things, and isn't always a nice person, but she is a complicated human being with whom I could sympathize. I really liked that she made no bones about who she was or what she had to do to navigate her circumstances. She was smart and insightful and a joy to read about.

Now, I gave it four stars because there were a couple of trope-y features (Hello, love triangle--or was it a love square?), and some plot points that stretched credulity for me--particularly when it came to the scheme Jane cooked up for Katherine. I couldn't for the life of me see how that would work. However, the writing is so strong and I found Jane such an engaging character that I wasn't as bothered by this as I might have been.

All in all, my reaction to this book was very enthusiastic, and I very much look forward to the next installment.