A review by sarahadams
Never Is a Very Long Time by Donna McDonald


This was a cute little romance, but I found it to be just okay. I thought it could have benefitted from an extra 50 or 100 pages. I don't feel like I got to know who John is really at all. I'm not the biggest fan of insta-love, and that's what this felt like to me. I would have liked to have seen more of Mariah's business and the matchmaking process, but maybe that happens in later books in the series. There were some grammar and spelling errors that jumped out at me.
I know I mentioned insta-love, but I was a bit put off that John would not only declare his love but ask Mariah to move in after having spent time with her fewer than 10 times. I get it, it's a romance, but that really pulled me out of it. And then to have Mariah go to work with hickeys all over her neck? I'm all for love and romance and intimacy at any age, but I felt like Mariah would be the type of person who would think that was unprofessional. I get that her business deals in romance and love, but I got the impression she was sophisticated and professional. I felt like she would want to cover up hickeys with a scarf or something, at least while at work. I couldn't imagine her meeting with her clients with a bunch of "love bites" visible all over. A minor point, but it pulled me out of the ending and was the final point that was just a bit over-the-top for me.
Overall, I don't think I'd be opposed to reading another book in this series, but I won't go search it out.