A review by buildhergender
A Forest of Stars by Kevin J. Anderson


Spoilers Ahead

Short Summary: Trees want to grow, Roamers want to trade, Hydrogues want to kill everything and Faeros just want to set the world on fire. And if your plan to survive an apocalypse depends on breeding a five year old super psychic you are probably boned.

For this review most of it will be contained in the list of characters, once you see the list you will see why. Also part of my review is copied from my review of the previous installment. If the author can do it then I can as well.

Humanity has split into three separate groups. The three groups have trade agreements and other connections to each other but the peace between them is tenuous.

Terran Hanseatic League: Centered on earth this government represents most of the humans. Think of Rome mixed with America with spaceships capable of laying countries to waste...wait no that sounds a bit too much like predictions for a Trump America.

Roamers: An independent collective of spacers. They are industrious and work in all of the places and jobs that most humans and aliens do not want. That friend who once said “I think I want to go gold mining,” then got drunk grabbed some TNT and walked off into the snowy arctic...only to show up two years later with a bag of gold, six barrels of oil, a ton of steel and ready to do business.

Theroc: An aristocracy consisting of one planet with a lot of trees. These people are the descendants of a generation ship that found a planet that was covered in forest. Rather than raze the ground they decided to work in harmony with nature. It helps that the trees can talk to them. The trees are also telepathic and can instantaneously talk across any part of the galaxy. They can also keep all the information given to them and can process it in ways humans can't even comprehend. They also have priests who go through a ritual where they get turned green and can live off of sunlight if needed. The priests are the ones who speak to the trees. They also turn get absorbed into the trees if they die near them.

There are Three alien races.

The Klikiss: An ancient race of beetle people, it is thought. They are extinct and the only things that remain of them are abandoned cities and thousands of robots that they built.

The Ildrians: They all follow the Mage-Imperator, who has the ability to sorta feel/see what any other Ildrian is doing. He knows all the history of his people and is all powerful, seems like a good job except for the ritual castration thing he has to go through to get the power. The Ildrians come in many shapes and sizes bred to do specific jobs, called Kiths. Need to build a ship, there is a kith for that, need to remember history, remembrance kith, taken a shit and now need wiping...I wish I was joking, there seems to be a kith for that, at least for the Mage-Imperator.

The Hydrogues: A race of creatures that live inside gas giants. They live under UN-imaginable pressure and can best be described as silver mercury. They have war globes of immense power and are very hard to take down. They declare war on the races that live on planets because humanity turned one of their worlds into a star (and humanity couldn't find the right card to apologize for that at the hallmark store.)

Jess Tamblyn: Roamer: After the death of his brother, who was betrothed to Cesca Peroni, Jess is finally at a point where he thinks their love can come to the light and not be seen as an insult to his dead brother. Unfortunately it's the normal, boy goes to declare love to the girl who is ruler of the Roamers, girl is engaged just days before to the king of the tree people kind of thing. Doing the noble thing he goes away and sulks in a ship alone gathering star drive fuel. He also gathers water in space And when the water starts to speak to him, rather than think he has gone crazy he decides to set off on an epic quest to bring back a water based race called the Wentils. His first stop has him get blown up.

King Peter: Terran. He was known as Raymond Aguerra, but after being kidnapped by the Hansa Chairman he was made king of everything (well almost everything). However unlike the first king Peter is not willing to be just a figurehead. He stands up to the chairman and brings up valid points about the new robots that are being brought online using Klikiss technology. Instead of being listened to he is married off and then almost killed.

Esterra Theron: Theroc. The forth born of the family she is not given a predefined role in the Theroc world. All she wants to do is pick flowers and have fun. Instead she is married off to King Peter in a move to try to strengthen the Hansa Theroc ties. It's her sister's fault(I wish my sister found me a rich wife). She is the one who discovers the plot on her and Peter's life.

Prime Designate Jora'H: Ildrian Royalty Kith. Learns that his love the green priest Nira is alive and that she is being held with other kidnapped humans on a colony world in a breeding program designed to make a super-mutant psychic. He decides to go rescue her, but before he can his father kills himself thus making Jora'H go through the ceremony to become Mage Imperator Jora'H Part of this ceremony is castration and after that he has a few other things in his mind to keep him away from Nira.

Nira Khali: Theroc. She is being held in a breeding camp with the descendants of the generation ship Burton. No one believes her stories that there are other humans, that being salves is not the normal human condition. She gives birth to four children. One of them being the child of Jora'H She is not allowed to keep them but she does meet her daughter when she is five years old.

Adar Kori'nh: Ildrian Warrior Kith. He is still in charge of the Space Navy. Despite his best work and inventiveness he is fighting a losing battle of retreat with the Hydrogues. When the Mage Imperator dies it gives him a short window to do what he wants. And what he wants is to a kamikaze flight into a gas giant. He dies, along with 46 other ships, but empty the gas giants of danger.

Cesca Peroni: Roamer. Now leader of the Roamers she finds her life very hectic. But looks forward to Marrying Jess Tamblyn. However, before she can make the announcement she is offered marriage by the king of Theron and has to decide on what is best for her people.

Tasia Tamblyn: Roamer. Still a roamer at heart she has advanced in rank within the EDF. When she learns of a planned attack on a Hydrogue infested gas giant she realizes it is also the location of a secret ship building facility of the roamers. So like Princess Leiah she dispatches her faithful compy droid to warn them, what is wrong with email? Despite the battle being a disaster she does wonderful and is given the chance to explode a gas giant.

Rlinda Kett: Terran. A merchant with only one ship left to her name and no fuel to fly it with she is given a chance to do a secret job for the Hansa. She flies Davlin to a Klikiss world. And together they find a way of trans world instantaneous transportation, the Klikiss Portal.

Basil Wenceslas: Terran. A bastard. The real ruler of the Hanza empire he has his fingers in everything. Unfortunately he realizes five years after the fact that he had lost a finger. He decides to send Davlin to find out what happened to the archaeologists.

Davlin Lotze: Terran. He is starting to enjoy his cover life on the planet Crenna. With his vast knowledge he stops an epidemic of “Orange Spot” but before he can go back into the limelight he is recalled to work and picked up by Rlinda. He explores the Klikiss ruins where Margaret disappeared and doesn't find her, but does find a physics breaking trans-world portal.

Anton Colicos: Terran. Son of Margaret and Louis he is worried about them and is the one who reminds Basil that they were out exploring and had sent no updates. Before he gets his answer he is given the chance of a lifetime to go and research the Saga of the Seven Suns (roll series credits). After arriving he is soon chosen to travel with the head Remember Vao'sh to go to the planet of XXXX. The planet spends half the year in the dark and is full of unwatched Klikiss robots...I am sure it will be perfectly safe.

Mage-Imperator Cyroc'h: Ildrian Royalty Kith. He sees the results of his plans start to affect his relationship with his son, Jora'H His hiding of the breeding program, his lies about the green priest among others. Seeing his son about to do what he believes will endanger the kingdom he does the one thing that will stop his son. He ingests poison knowing that his death will bind his son to the throne and give him the knowledge that only the Mage-Imperator has, and in doing so earn forgiveness.

Beneto Theron: Theroc. He is enjoying being a green priest in the forgotten world of Corvus Landing. His life is filled with hard work, lack of wealth, and luxury(he is really boring). Unfortunately, the Hydrogues didn't ask him what he wanted before attacking Corvus Landing. Beneto dies as he lived among his trees.

DD: Terran. The little robot that worked for Margaret. He has been transformed by the Klikiss robots in order to join them in their quests. They hope for him to break the first law of robotics that is built into him. He spends the time upset at seeing how much the Klikiss robots have done in preparation to kill off humanity and the Ildrian

Dobro Designate: Ildrian Brother of the Mage-Imperator Cyroc'h, he is charge of the planet Dobro which is the home of the breeding experiments of the Ildirans. Over the last 200 years humanity has been bread with the various Ildrian kiths to try and develop a super psychic that would be able to communicate with the Hydrogues. After his brother's death he uses the small window of opportunity where there is no control of his actions to kill the green priest Nira.

Reynald Theron: Theroc. The oldest child of the Theron family he is crowned king of Theroc. His first move is to ask for Cesca's hand in marriage, both because he was taken with her and because it would be a good alliance. However, before he can marry her Theroc is attacked by the Hydrogues. Despite offering a strong defense that manages to take down several Hydrogue war ships it is obvious that the World Forest is doomed, until the Faeros (Beings made of Flame) show up. He is both crushed and burned to death, and Cesca is now free to marry Jess (who get's blown up).

General Kurt Lanyan: Terran: Supreme commander of the EDF he is as stymied as the Ildrian Adar when dealing with the Hydrogues. With his fleet starved for fuel he allows piracy of Roamer vessels carrying star ship fuel. When the Roamers threaten to make it public he casually tells Fitzpatrick that he is leaving the room and if anything happened to the Roamers while he is gone it would not be a terrible thing.

Robb Brindle: Terran: Lover of Tasia he discovers the home location of the Hydrogues that attack Boone's Crossing. During the attack of the home planet he offers to be a diplomat in a last ditch chance for peace. He see's pretty lights and is killed.

Kotto Okiah: Roamer: He is the chief inventor of the Roamers. He spends most of this book trying to make a mercury like planet livable. He fails, but doesn't get burned up.

Sarein: Roamer: The oldest daughter of the Theron family she is made the ambassador of Theroc to the Hansa empire. She is in bed with Basil while trying to get Theroc in bed with the Hanza league. Thinking it would make the unity longer she suggests that she marry King Peter as a sign of allegiance, instead he picks her sister.

Osira'h: Ildrian Unknown Kith: Daughter of Jora'H and Nira. She is born with telepathy thanks to the heritage of the Thism from her father and the world trees priesthood of her mother. Combined this makes the gift strong. She is able to read moods and in some cases minds. She has spent her life in constant work to improve these gifts because she is the one hope for the Ildrian race in the war against the Hydrogues. One night she finds a mind that is familiar to her. Following it she finds herself outside of the breeding pens. Here she is reunited with her mother. The reunification is short but before being dragged off and beaten to death Nira fills Osira'h with her memories.

Del Kellum: Roamer: The owner of the shipyards of Osquivel. He has to hide the ship yards inside the asteroid belt of the planet in order to keep it from being discovered by the EDF in their ill fated raid on the Hydrogues of Osquivel.

Rossia: Theroc. Green priest one of the 20 who volunteer with the EDF. Her only role in the book is to be a communications officer during the Osquivel attack.

Zhett Kellum: Roamer. Daughter of Del Kellum she had a thing for Jess Tamblyn until it became a well known secret that he wanted Cesca. After the battle of Osquivel she saves a EDF solider named Fitzpatrick from an damaged escape pod. He along with 30 other EDF soldiers are kept in the shipyard unable to be released because they know too much.

Admiral Stromo: Terran. He is in charge of the Zero grid point part of the EDF (Earth). His one high point in his career was when he put down a rebellion. He was in-charge of a disastrous attack on Jupiter against the Hydrogues. During a scientific expedition to Oncier's, humanity's man made star, he observes five balls of flame shoot out of the star and away.

You get all that?
Short Summary: Trees want to grow, Roamers want to trade, Hydrogues want to kill everything and Faeros just want to set the world on fire. And if your plan to survive an apocalypse depends on breeding a five year old super psychic you are probably boned.