A review by noveldeelights
The Kindred Killers by Graham Smith


Flippin’ heck! Mind blown! Need a minute!

Whew! Okay, here we go.

Not that long ago, I discovered Graham Smith’s work and lost myself in the world of the brooding hunk of a man that is Jake Boulder. Since then, I’ve been eagerly awaiting the next book in the series and when I was offered the opportunity to read it, it felt like my birthday had come early!

The Kindred Killers is the second instalment in the Jake Boulder series and it is absolutely mind-blowing! Yes, I’m aware I’ve already used that word but it fits perfectly!

Jake’s best friend Alphonse asks for his help when his cousin and his family go missing. Sadly there is no good news as the family is found horribly murdered. They are found to have been crucified and burned alive. And with that, the tone is set for a cruel and disturbing story that is unfortunately still rather apt and relevant these days. Some of these events may not be for the faint-hearted as they are quite brutal and stomach-churning but I feel it’s necessary to point out that none of it’s gratuitous and the author manages to set the scene as sympathetically as possible.

The return of Jake Boulder was most definitely worth the wait and this series just keeps getting better. I was utterly engrossed in the case and completely blown away by the reasoning behind the initial killings. I also really always enjoy it when an author takes the time to introduce us to a character so that even though you know deep down something is going to happen to them, it packs the most astounding punch when that something actually happens.

I continue to enjoy the friendship between Jake and Alphonse. Despite the strain they’re under and the grief Alphonse needs to deal with, they know each other so well that even when tempers rise, you know this bond won’t break. (Gee, I hope I didn’t jinx them now!)

I may have said it before but it’s worth saying again : Graham Smith has fast become one of my favourite authors and I honestly can’t wait to read more, be it about Jake Boulder or something else entirely! And you, yes you (!), should pick up this Jake Boulder series right now and get caught up! I promise you won’t regret it!