A review by lattelibrarian
Primates: The Fearless Science of Jane Goodall, Dian Fossey, and Biruté Galdikas by Jim Ottaviani


This book was AMAZING.  This biography follows three women (Jane Goodall, Dian Fossey, and Birute Galdikas) through their journey to not only becoming interested in primatology, but actually being funded and living their lives in Africa.  Each woman had a different method, but each found each other through one man who had the faith and means of finding funding to support them.

Each section follows these women individually, and with attention to detail to each one.  For instance--the fonts change depending on who we're following, and who's speaking when all three are together!  Not to mention the complete use and understanding of comic conventions and how Ottaviani and Wicks break them!  Doing so helped to break up the form and keep me engaged, and it worked wonders.

But perhaps what I enjoyed most was that this was a biography of three women--not just one.  In all honesty, the only one I'd heard of of these three was Jane Goodall, so to learn more about her peers and fellow scientists--female fellow scientists--made me so incredibly happy.  It's women supporting and understanding each other, and how their stories converge was just incredible.

Overall, this was just so good.  The biographies are intriguing and the end involves an author's note as well as his references, and the illustrations had incredible colors and just the right amount of pacing.  I'd definitely recommend this, especially to those interested in the outdoors.

Review cross-listed here!