A review by dphillips
Pride and Prejudice and Mistletoe by Melissa de la Cruz


Where to begin? First off, I hope the author gets some sort of a kick back for all the posh name dropping in this book. We get it; she's rich. Second, I received my copy from Goodreads First Reads and it was an advanced reader copy so, I'm sincerely hoping they fixed the serious timeline issues before this went to final print. Lastly, I hate when an author writes an educated and highly successful character who still speaks like they're still in high school. It's just irritating. On a high note, I did enjoy the part in which Darcy questions whom the gift giver in the 12 Days of Christmas song could be and why they'd ever think those were great gifts for their true love. I've got to admit, I'd never thought of that and it made me chuckle.