A review by bookish_brooklyn
Homer and the Holiday Miracle: A True Story by Gwen Cooper


eARC from NetGalley and the publishers in exchange for an honest review, all thoughts are my own.

In no way can I fault this! I sped through this beauty, I could feel Gwen’s emotions so deep within her writing, her love for Homer Bear, and his siblings, and could picture all their kooky and adorable actions as Gwen described Homer gobbling down a chicken breast, to his playing with Clayton; to comforting Gwen when she was devastated about Homer’s prognosis, and so much more! It was just amazing having this slice of Gwen and Homer’s life, I couldn’t get enough!

It’s the perfect festive read, but, truly, it’s soul food! This is just such a gorgeous and uplifting and emotive read, perfect for all cat lovers or anyone who loves a quick but inpactful story!