A review by chriswolak
All Quiet on the Western Front / Job by Joseph Roth, Erich Maria Remarque


I've read this book a couple times and think its just stunning. My grandfather served in World War I on the German side and I know its irrational, but this book makes me feel a little closer to him. He died long before I was born and no one knows the details of his service, at this time. He was injured at least once that we know of and I have a photo of him in a hospital gown with his uniform hat on. He also was drafted to serve in WWII. I think its a testament to the power of this book that it is still considered one of the most profound anti-war novels and it remains on summer reading lists for high schoolers. The Marine Corps also includes it on their professional development reading lists for Marines. I served in the Marines but they didn't have a professional reading list back in the 80s!