A review by librarylapin
God, No! Signs You May Already Be an Atheist and Other Magical Tales by Penn Jillette


I have always enjoyed Penn Jillette's work and he seems like a pretty funny guy and I thought it would be interesting to read his take on Atheism. He starts by making the very valid point that most people accuse Atheists of thinking they are smarter than everyone and being arrogant when the truth is that it takes humility to say you don't know and to live outside of the major realms of religion. True. Then he proceeds to write as an all knowing arrogant sage who insults anyone who believes differently than himself. I know it is his shtick to say things that are overtly offensive. It makes it hard for me to take him seriously. Although I think he is talented and intelligent, his logic is often circular and his disdain to all who don't believe exactly what he does makes it difficult for me to respect him and enjoy this book.