A review by bananatricky
Born of Defiance by Sherrilyn Kenyon


I was so disappointed with this book. Absolutely, categorically cannot be read without having read the others in the series AND having a total recall of events.

This book seemed to be in two distinct sections. The first, and longest, was very depressing. Talyn is a fantastic person, a great Andarion who epitomises everything the race holds dear. Yet because he is illegitimate and his father has been disowned he is the lowest of the low. The men of the ruling family also have it in for him so his life is one long punishment with petty annoyances and restrictions not faced by others. He is so low that he is willing to pay his entire salary for a companion, something that normally only old men pay for, to at least show him some compassion - even if it is fake and she hates him. Instead he gets Felicia. Herself illegitimate but acknowledged, she is impressed by his gentle nature and good manners. However, nothing ever goes smoothly and Talyn suffers one humiliation after another. Demoted, punished and much much more it just goes on and on and on. Honestly I felt there was no point in reading on because I couldn't believe Talyn could survive any more.

Then, the second part (probably the last 30% of the book) was like seeing the other side of a story you already know - the only problem is although I have read the previous seven books I don't have a total recall of events and I was totally at sea. So much happens off-stage it is totally confusing.
The coup against the Andarion royal family, the kidnapping of Felicia etc.

Overall, I felt that it was a chore to finish the book, most of the action took place elsewhere and Talyn arrived after the event. Also I couldn't reconcile the actions and attitudes of the Andarion soldiers. They despised Talyn and refused to allow him such simple amenities as using the communal bathrooms. Yet, towards the end
when he saves the royal children before arresting their father the soldiers he leads suddenly will follow him anywhere. Either the soldiers should loath him always because of his birth or they should grudgingly learn to respect him for his behaviour but it seemed as though until the start of the book, none of the soldiers he worked with day-in and day-out had any respect for him at all.

Anyway, I have loved the previous books but this one went too far. Each of the Sentella has had a story more dark and depressing than the last but this one went too far for me.