A review by anne_seebach
First Hunter by Dale Elvy


I want to give this book three and a half stars - it's not quite a four for me, but rates more than just the average "liked it". True, the story follows a fairly typical magical adventure fantasy format. This can becomes tiresome after the 100th time you've read a similar formula, but I found these characters engaging, the plot moved along at reasonable pace, and I find myself now quite interested to learn more about the history of these people and their lands. The author has also put a bit of effort into specifically reflecting some of our own world's issues around both racism and fanaticism, including a portrayal of what does sometimes happen to the culture and identity of nations/races who are subjugated. This adds to the story quite nicely, though I also find myself wondering if these are particularly personal issues for the author. I first read this book many years ago and enjoyed it, but never came across the sequels and gradually forgot about it. Having rediscovered it recently, I enjoyed it enough that I've taken the trouble this time to track down the other two books in the series, and look forward to reading them soon.