A review by sqeeker
Devil's Food Cake by Josi S. Kilpack


- This was a fun and exciting mystery! This is probably my favorite so far. It was clever and thrilling to read.

- Another murder though? I'd like a different mystery. How about Sadie could visit a haunted house, catch a burglar, or anything else!

- Sadie is a bit of a busy body who thinks she can do a better job than the police. I get that she is curious, but she goes beyond that!

- I don't like that the police are pretty useless. I like to have a bit more faith in my police officers! They know how to do things!

- I liked the thrilling parts of the story where Sadie was running or fighting for her life! I couldn't read fast enough. I wanted to know what happened next! Some parts of the book are a little slow, but it makes up for it with the action!

- A lot happens in one night! Wow! I love that everything but the last couple chapters occur in one evening!

- I liked how the last book had Breanna in it, and this one had Shawn in it. I like getting to know Sadie's children, and I like seeing the relationship Sadie has with her children. It is nice.

- I liked the new character, Eric, a lot! He was right there when Sadie needed him, and he stuck by her for the rest of the crazy events! I would totally dump Pete for him! Women like men that they can count on and will back them up!

- These culinary mysteries make me hungry! I love that recipes are added in the book, and i really want to make everything! They sound SO yummy, and it makes me crave it! If there is one thing Kilpack can do, it is to work up an appetite in her readers!

- These are fun books, but I can see how I could get bored with them. For now, I'm still interested, so I'll continue to read.